Metro Weekly

Palin’s Latest Flip-Flop: Would use Constitutional amendement to block same-sex benefits

Newsweek has found in their own archives an interview where Sarah Palin of 2007 seems to be at odds with Sarah Palin in last week’s debate on the subject of same-sex benefits.

Sarah Palin as U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate in Ocotober 2, 2008 debate:

PALIN: But in that tolerance, also, no one would ever propose — not in a McCain-Palin administration to do anything that prohibits, say, visitations in the hospital, or contracts being signed, negotiated between parties.

Sarah Palin as Alaskan Governor in a 2007 interview with Newsweek:

NEWSWEEK : And do you have a position on that? Would you like to see it? Do you care?

PALIN: I would vote to further define the definition of marriage as it pertains to benefits even–yes, I would….

NEWSWEEK: That is, not extend benefits to same-sex couples?

PALIN: Correct. And if it took an amendment to our constitution, I would go there …

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