Metro Weekly

Barney Frank calls out Justice Scalia as a homophobe

”As much as I dislike [the Defense of Marriage Act] — I led the fight against it — I don’t think that it’s appropriate to say that the President should pick and choose what laws he defends. On the other hand, I do think this argument, that it is unconstitutional for the Federal government to pick and choose as to which marriages it will accept, is a good one. At some point, that’s gonna have to go before the United States Supreme Court. I wouldn’t want to go to the Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia’s got too many votes on his Court.”

Representative Barney Frank [D-MA] in a taped interview with Logo news, discussing Federal judges in California who have decided that employees in their court are entitled to health benefits for same-sex partners despite DOMA. (Logo)

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