Metro Weekly

No gays in Star Wars?

”As I have stated before, these are terms that do not exist in Star Wars. Thread closed.”

SeanDahlberg, a Community Manager for the Bioware gaming software website responding to complaints that ”Gay” and ”Lesbian” were not being allowed in posts on the ”Star Wars: The Old Republic” game forum. Elikal, a member of the Bioware discussion boards, had posted a note claiming to be a member of the GLBT community and asked for the company to reconsider. It was originally thought that ”gay” and ”lesbian” were being used as insults, rather than by gays, but Dahlberg’s comment set off alarms for a number of game-tech websites. The discussion thread appears to have been closed, but then reopened; and Dahlberg has apologized and is inviting suggestions on how to deal with the situation. (Kotaku) (SWTOR / Bioware) (PC World)

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