Metro Weekly

Minnesota Governor Pawlenty rejects right of gays to claim dead domestic parnters’ bodies

”Marriage – defined as between a man and woman – should remain elevated in our society at a special level, as it traditionally has been. I oppose efforts to treat domestic relationships as the equivalent of traditional marriage. Accordingly, I am opposed to this bill.”

Statement by Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota as he vetoed a bill that would have added rights for same-sex “domestic partners.” The very humane “Final Wishes” bill that Pawlenty rejected included granting the power to dispose of a partner’s body and to sue for wrongful death. Apparently, Pawlenty believes that gays should have to spend money and effort to pursue “living wills,” whereas heterosexual couples who have the ability to be legally married are granted these rights automatically. (CityPages Blotter) (Pioneer Press)

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