Metro Weekly

Tim Gunn tells DC how to “Make it work;” not amused by Lady Gaga [video]

”Something happens occasionally that I find extremely moving and touching. I’ll be at one of my Liz Claiborne, Inc. multi-brand fashion events anywhere around this country, and I’ll have parents — I can well up when I think about this — bring this 15, 16-year-old young man, their son with them, to meet me because he’s dealing with coming out. And, ‘We want him to meet you. We want him to know that there are people like you. It’s deeply moving.”

Tim Gunn, the DC native returning to the city to speak at the Out at Work conference. He also performed as a guest bartender at a Mova, a local gay bar. (Metro Weekly)

He is best known for having served as an adviser to contestants on the cable TV show, ”Project Runway.” He also had his own show on Bravo, “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style.” And he recently published a book. You can read more about Tim Gunn growing up in DC in his Metro Weekly interview from 2007.

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