Metro Weekly
  • Not Feeling Randy

    Some props of my adolescence I am happy to leave behind. Xanadu, we had a time and place. Atari 2600, you gave me so many...

  • New Chance for Repeal

    House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters on Dec. 14, ''Today Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.) is introducing a new standalone bill to allow for...

  • DADT Goes Back to Court

    On Dec. 13, lawyers for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking the reinstatement of three servicemembers ousted under ''Don't Ask,...

  • Holding Up a Hero

    Frank Kameny came to Washington in 1956 to study the heavens and even considered becoming an astronaut. Instead, he became a stellar activist in the...

  • Back-n-Forth Budget

    The D.C. City Council relieved some concern last week for HIV/AIDS organizations receiving city funding by voting to restore budget cuts proposed by outgoing Mayor...

  • Sicks Appeal

    ''As the culture is changing,'' says Irwin Keller of the drag a cappella group the Kinsey Sicks, ''we become sort of the daring-but-doable entertainment in...

  • Good Cheer

    Despite the valiant attempts being made in some corners, the bright bauble of reality television has eclipsed what was once television's most reliable version of...

  • Gift of Hits

    What is this, another ABBA greatest-hits set? (All together now: ''Money, money, money; must be funny; in a rich man's world.'') Every year record labels...

  • Knock Out

    The Fighter hits you with a one-two punch. First, the astonishing performances help you bob and weave around a topic that's not for everyone. And...

  • Holiday Spirit

    Drag queen Ella Fitzgerald is an angel who tumbled to earth. Literally. ''I went to pose as an angel and slipped,'' says Donnell Robinson, who...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You can't help looking ahead even as the past tugs at your shirttails. You're focused on the yet-to-be, though that which has already...

  • The Nightlife Coverboy: A Brief History

    You can blame it all on Ed Bailey. During the early days of Metro Weekly, Ed, who at the time ran VelvetNation and now co-owns...

  • A Christmas Carol at Ford’s

    Ford’s Theatre remounts its music-filled production of the Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, adapted by Michael Wilson and directed by Michael Baron. Edward Gero returns...

  • Gay Army vet, Dan Choi, has mental “breakdown” after intense battle over “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

    ”My breakdown was a result of a cumulative array of stressors but there is no doubt that the composite betrayals felt on Thursday, by elected...

  • Carrie Fisher advises John Travolta to back off attacking “gay” rumormill

    ”Wow! I mean, my feeling about John has always been that we know and we don’t care. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it,...