Metro Weekly

The Upright Citizens Brigade at Harman Hall

For a taste of what’s happening in improv comedy in those far funnier, far edgier coastal cities, keep an eye out for The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre TourCo, which stops by the basement stage-space of the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Harman Hall. Like the funniest extroverts at the party, the crews (which hail from New York and Los Angeles and tend to change personnel) riff on D.C. and audience-members alike — don’t worry, it’s volunteer-only — with group-house abandon and some very well-honed improv skills. Consider it a great warm-up for a night on the town. Tonight, Saturday, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Also Feb. 25-26, March 25-26 and Nov. 11-12. Sidney Harman Hall Forum, Harman Center for the Arts, 610 F St. NW. Tickets are $20. Call 202-547-1122 or visit

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