Metro Weekly

Lady Gaga’s new ‘Born’ arrives: Will everyone be singing of gay and trans self-empowerment? [video]

”Don’t be a drag
Just be a queen
whether you’re broke
or ever green….

”No matter straight, gay or bi
lesbian, transgender life
I’m on the right track baby,
I was born to survive.”

Portion of the lyrics from Lady Gaga‘s latest pop single, “Born This Way.” Hear it now, for free, at her official web site.

Gaga’s soaring and soulful lyrics groove well with a dance track that immerses the listener at times in warm strings and screaching synthesizers. This first release from Gaga’s upcoming album will surely inspire millions around the world to sing along with its message of inclusion and self-acceptance.

It’s reported that the much beloved singer had planned to debut her song at Sunday’s Grammy Awards, but then decided to release the song two days early for her fans. She’s generated much anticipation through her Facebook page, releasing some of the lyrics at the end of 2010.

She also colaborated musically with the fashion house of Thierry Mugler for his rather scary Menswear 2011-2011 fashion show. She was also recently featured in Vouge magazine and will be interviewed by Anderson Cooper for 60 Minutes. She told him that despite the public’s desire to see the famous falter, she is not, in her private life, the “vomit-in-the-club kind of girl.”

”Everybody wants to see the decay of the superstar…. They want to see me fail. They want to see me fall on stage. They want to see me vomiting out of a night club…Isn’t that the age we live in? That we want to see people who have it all lose it all?”

Some debate has arisen online saying the song is suspiciously similar to Madonna‘s groundbreaking anthem, “Express Yourself.”

What do you think? Is it another hit for Lady Gaga? Does she owe Madonna a creativity credit? Will the LGBT-inclusive lyrics have any effect on the listening public?

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