Metro Weekly

Visit to a Small Planet at American Century Theatre

Visit to a Small Planet

Gore Vidal lampoons the Cold War and humanity’s self-destructive preoccupation with world domination in Visit to a Small Planet, a 1956 satire originally written for television and a precursor to alien series such as Mork and Mindy and 3rd Rock from the Sun. It’s perfectly fitting that Virginia’s The American Century Theater now offers a production of the play, since it’s set in nearby Manassass and references the famous Battle of Bull Run. Bruce Rauscher, John Tweel, Steve Lebens, Kelly Cronenberg and Megan Graves are part of the cast. To Aug. 6. American Century Theater — Gunston Theater II, 2700 South Lang St. Arlington. Tickets are $30 to $35. Call 703-998-4555 or visit

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