Metro Weekly

Washington Post publishes another piece on “black gay gang” troubles at Verizon Center

Courtland Milloy, a columnist for The Washington Post, has written a piece appearing on the paper’s website called ”Gay black youths go from attacked to attackers.”

He centers on one 21-year-old named Tayron Bennet who helped to organize some of the city’s gay youths into a gang called Check It. Bennett is quoted as saying he started the group because (Washington Post):

“At first, I tried fighting bullies one-on-one, but they don’t fight fair; they fight two and three on one. [So, we] started carrying mace, knives, brass knuckles and stun guns, and if somebody messed with one of us then all of us would gang up on them.”

A photo of Bennet and three other members of Check It accompanies the article. Milloy opens his piece by saying Check it is to blame for most trouble caused around the Chinatown and Gallery Place Metro Stations.

A year ago, the Post ran another series of observations about the same popular blocks in D.C. Those reports said there “are gay gangs and there are lesbian gangs” behaving obnoxiously there along with some other gangs. And, again, Check It was described as a group stealing phones and wallets from tourists.

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