Metro Weekly

Love Potion #1 at The InSeries

Director Nick Olcott offers an English adaptation of Donizetti’s comic opera L’Elisir d’Amore for an InSeries’ mini-opera production. Olcott sets his version in a D.C. high school in the 1950s, with a math nerd trying to win the affections of a girl over a ‘bad boy. Frank Conlon conducts and accompanies on piano a chamber ensemble and cast of singers including Pablo Henrich Lobo, Laura Wehrmeyer, Fabiola Echazabal, Jase Parker and Jarrod Lee. Opens tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 15, at 8 p.m. An OUT at In Series performance is Friday, Oct. 28, at 8 p.m. To Oct. 29. GALA Theatre at Tivoli Square, 3333 14th St. NW. Tickets are $40. Call 202-204-7763 or visit

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