Metro Weekly

SCENE: Champions for Charity – Robert York’s 50th Birthday at Town

Robert York's birthday bash raised $12,000 for local charities and organizations.

Happy birthday to our friend Robert York, who turns 50 today!

Robert ushered in his sixth decade on the planet in typically generous style last Saturday night at Town. His self-produced, well-attended event, Champions for Charity, raised nearly $12,000 for local charities and organizations, including Athlete Ally, Capital Pride, Capital Trans Pride, City Dogs Rescue and City Kitties, NMAC, the Trevor Project DC, and the ziMS Foundation. The evening’s performers included Brian Justin Crum, Frenchie Davis, Simone Denny, and Beth Anne Sacks. Music was doled out by DJ Chord, DJ Grind,Β and DJ Twin.

Read our pre-event interview with Robert here, and scroll down to enjoy a selection of Ward Morrison’s photographs from Saturday’s event!

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