Metro Weekly

Gallery: Mike Hipple’s 80s Redux

Stunning, evocative portraits of more than 40 artists

Cindy Wilson of The B-52’s — Photo: Mike Hipple

After a few years of solely focusing on the baby he adopted with his husband, photographer Mike Hipple was ready to pick up his camera again. He was also feeling nostalgic about the music and musicians from his formative years. Where are they now?

As it turned out, a fair number lived around him in the Pacific Northwest, and they were happy to reveal what they’re up to and how they look, as can be seen in 80s Redux: Your Favorite Musicians Today. Recently published by Schiffer Books, 80s Redux features more than 40 artists, mostly of the influential and independent variety in the realms of alternative, punk, and early electronica, including Lol Tolhurst of The Cure, Cindy Wilson of The B-52’s, Alice Bag, Midge Ure, Nu Shooz, Book of Love, and T’Pau. While some are still making music and touring, others long ago left music and performing behind, as Hipple documents in short profiles accompanying his often stunning, sharp, evocative portraits. A perfect nostalgic treat for any serious ’80s music fan.

Wakeling — Photo: Mike Hipple
The Motels — Photo: Mike Hipple
T’Pau — Photo: Mike Hipple
Hitchcock — Photo: Mike Hipple

For more information, visit hipphoto.com80s Redux: Your Favorite Musicians Today is available for purchase at

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