Metro Weekly

Playlist: DJ Sean Morris

Featuring Funtasy, Cascada, RuPaul, and more!

DJ Sean Morris

Feel It
Lucas Medeiros Remix
Funtasy ft. Ariadna Alvin

Every Time I See Her
Errol Reid

Au Revoir
Christian Davies Remix

Rio Magdalena
Techplayers Remix

Cha Cha Bitch
Ralph Rosario Edit
RuPaul, AB Soto

Tribe Drums
Blond 2 Black Remix
Alex Acosta

VMC & Leandro Becker Epic Mix
Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper

All This Time
Farruggio’s Back in Time Mix

Try It On My Own
Bruno Knauer ft. L. Mendez

Dario Nunez

DJ Sean Morris is one of the founders and DJs for Flashy Sunday. He holds a long time residency at Cobalt, where you can catch him every Thursday. Over MAL Weekend, he will be DJing at Furball on Friday, the DC Eagle on Saturday, and Flashy Sunday. Follow him on Twitter at @DJ_SeanMorris.

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