Metro Weekly

Videos capture emotional start for lesbian, gay couples registering on DC’s first day of legalized same-sex marriage [video]

”This is very much about our lives, and about our ability to protect ourselves and our family, so we wanted to be really intimately involved. So, we’ve been participating every step of the way.” (via Metro Weekly)

”We thought this had been going on for like a year. We came down yesterday: We decided, ‘Hey, we’re gonna get married since the [Maryland] Attorney General might recognize it. So, we come down and they said, ‘We can’t give do this today.’ And we’re like, why? And he said, ‘We can’t do it until tomorrow.’ And I’m thinking, ‘Why, you can only come on Wednesdays?”’ (via Metro Weekly)

”Officially we’re getting married in September, but we’re trying to get it done here as soon as possible while it’s legal, to avoid any Proposition 8 type thing.” (via Metro Weekly)

”I couldn’t wait for the dream to come true, so that’s why I’m first in line.” (via Fox 5)

”I always wanted to have kind of commitment that my parents had for 50 years… and I have now.” (via StandingOnTheSideOfLove)

”We’ve been together four years, and it’s wonderful that we’re no longer completely second class citizens. We’re one step closer to being one equal nation.” (via Voice of America)

Quotes from some of the estimated 100 gay and lesbian couples who were interviewed on camera as they left the DC Courthouse to register for marriage on the first day that same-sex couples were granted legal equality in the nation’s capital. Read more about this historic event at Metro Weekly magazine.

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