Metro Weekly

Texas gay Republicans say gay hating “Platform” a tool of distraction for “left leaning,” “enemies”

Recent attention has been given to the Republican Party of Texas and what many consider are the anti-gay planks in its 2010 Platform.  Although these planks are not new, the attention is….

At the Texas Republican Party State Convention we warned our fellow delegates of the consequences of including extremist language in the party platform regarding gay and lesbian Texans….

Young Republicans and young evangelicals are often embarrassed by the antiquated statements in the platform. Worse yet, a recent fundraising drive by a left leaning Washington D.C. gay rights organization highlighted the language from the Texas Party Platform in a letter to its well healed contributors. …

The enemies of the Republican Party will do anything during this election to distract voters from the dangerous consequences of their explosive expansion of government and unsustainable deficits.  Republican fiscal and pro-free enterprise policies can save our country.  Now is not the time to be shooting ourselves in the foot simply to pacify passionate but wrongheaded elements of our own party…

We call on Republicans at all levels to publicly repudiate many of the extremist positions taken in the Texas Party Platform…. We are happy this language is receiving wide exposure since we are certain it cannot survive the light of scrutiny….

Portions of a statement released by the Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas, TX, a gay and lesbian political group that maintains a conservative focus. The National Log Cabin Republicans have suffered something of an identity crisis over the last year and a half; and this letter, coupled with the controversy from which it has sprung, appears to reinforce the oddball paring of homosexual voters with a political party that continues to vehemently denounce all things homosexual. (

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