Metro Weekly

DC’s Holy Covenant UCC hosts gay marriages for seven Charlotte, NC couples

”On Monday, April 4, Holy Covenant hosted a champagne (sparkling juice) toast for the 7 couples who traveled to Washington to be married. Rabbi Judy Schindler and Rev. Robin Tanner who also participated in the 7 weddings joined Rev. Nancy Allison as the media snapped pictures and interviewed some of the participants.”

Announcement made on the “progressive” Holy Covenant United Chuch of Christ website. (Holy Covenant UCC)

One of the participating Charlotte reverends, Nancy Allison, told the Charlotte Observer:

”Slavery and a blessing of slavery is also in the Bible, yet we no longer see (those passages) as Scripture that needs to be held holy and sanctified…. It needs to be known that these couples — who have been together, on average, 15 to 20 years — are willing to go to extra lengths to point out how much their commitment to each other matters.”

Reverend Robyn Tanner, one of the people married at the ceremony, told TV station WCNC:

”[Gay] marriage isn’t recognized here. Should the law ever change, then these couples would be in a position though to have their marriages recognized in North Carolina. And one thing on the ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ — I don’t know who’s marriage its defending. It is the first time we are legislating discrimination in many years.”

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