Metro Weekly

All posts by Sean Bugg

  • John McCain's Bitter Battle

    So this week finally saw a bout of bipartisan movement in the Senate with the introduction of an immigration-reform plan. This is exciting news for...

  • Obama and the Future Present

    Not being a person who's into large crowds, I didn't trek down to the Capitol on Monday for the Inauguration. If I'm going to watch...

  • The Uncivil War over Jodie Foster

    Rather than my usual rambling preamble I'll jump right in because I have limited space and this topic inspires a vomitous number of words: Jodie...

  • Haggling over Chuck Hagel

    Everything old is new again. What goes around, comes around. Pissing in the wind brings ill returns. There are simply so, so many clichés to...

  • A Wish for 2013

    While 2012 was a bit of a mixed bag for me from a personal perspective, it was undeniably a remarkable year to be a gay...

  • A Mixed Bag

    When it comes down to it, most years really are a mixed bag when it comes to defining them as ''good'' or ''bad.'' A good...

  • Opening the Closet's Glass Door

    To use some classic Washington parlance, when it comes to LGBT celebrities and politicians, we have our known unknowns and we have our unknown unknowns....

  • Sane Choices Start at Home

    If I had owned a gun at any point in the past 25 years or so, I would most likely be dead by now. Not...

  • The Waiting Game

    So, after weeks and months of careful consideration, voluminous reading and personal consultations with friends and family, I'm finally ready to make an important announcement:...

  • The Naked Truth

    Had you asked me a few years back what I thought were the advantages of being half of a gay, childless couple, I'm pretty sure...

  • Days Go By

    Soap operas were a kind of omnipresent force of entertainment during my youth. Many of them are long gone by now, distant memories for aging...

  • What a Night to be Gay

    Elections tend to turn me into a bit of a nervous Nellie. Not a full-on drama queen like Andrew Sullivan, who set the sky-is-falling gold...

  • Last Pitch Effort

    {Sean Bugg and Cavin Le exchange rings (Photo by Ward Morrison)} I've joked often in the past few months that I'm lucky my family tree...

  • Keeping Them Close

    Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, I've been enjoying a longer-than-expected family visit to Kentucky for my Granny Bugg's 100th birthday party. As anyone who follows me...

  • Signs of the Times

    {There goes the neighborhood (Photo by Sean Bugg)} My neighborhood these past two weeks has become an incessant reminder of why this is the most...