Metro Weekly


  • Return of the King

    It was the late 1990s when Wallace Acton decided he'd had his fill of metropolitan Washington. He packed his bags and moved to New York....

  • For the Children

    December 1, World AIDS Day, will again mark that sad anniversary that, while a time to tout advances such as an entirely new class of...

  • Welcome to Town

    John Guggenmos and Ed Bailey It's late October and the effort to create the latest addition to D.C.'s gay nightlife is in the home stretch....

  • Avenging Angel

    Fred Phelps will never go away. That's the harsh reality Romaine Patterson has come to realize about Phelps, leader of the infamously homophobic Westboro Baptist...

  • Courting Greatness

    In a world where gay professional sports icons are few and far between, Martina Navratilova definitely stands out. But even if the pro playing fields...

  • Out for Business

    Traditionally, when money moves in Washington, it's by appropriation. Stock trades and profit motives seem downright ruffian compared to the elegance of a five-star lunch...

  • Past and Present

    There's no better time to visit with ABilly S. Jones than during October. One on hand, it's when he celebrates his anniversary with his partner,...

  • Leaning Toward Justice

    In the 1960s, while confronting segregation, discrimination, obstruction of voting rights and physical violence, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. often borrowed the words of another...

  • Noble Woman

    There often is confusion regarding the first elected, out GLBT person in America. José Saria was the first to run for office in 1961. A...

  • Pride-Flyin' Flag

    My story is one of creation and conflict, courage and freedom. It is about the fabric that helped empower a community. Dramatic? Well, of course....

  • Reel Affirmations 17

    Here's an advance look at more than 55 programs of feature-length and short films and videos during this year's GLBT festival, from Thursday, October 11...

  • Chipping In

    One 21st birthday that's not being celebrated in a bar will be Saturday, Oct. 6, as Whitman-Walker Clinic presents its annual AIDS Walk Washington. Instead,...

  • Naked Gunn

    He materialized on the scene in 2004, seemingly out of thin air, this maven of style and taste. The show, Project Runway, was the gilded...

  • Where to Live

    You don't need us to tell you that if you're looking for a place to live in D.C. you should check out Dupont and Logan...

  • Domestic District

    WALK ALONG 12TH Street NE, near the intersection with Newton Street, and Washington begins to feel downright homey. In this rather bucolic corner of the...