Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • The Invisible Youth

    My mother called me the other night looking for answers. A childhood friend of mine had killed herself, and my clearly shaken mother wanted to...

  • Local Briefs

    The D.C. Crystal Meth working group will be conducting surveys and outreach efforts in gay bars and clubs Jan. 25 through 27, part of the...

  • Changes Ahead

    Few clinics offered free services in Washington in 1968, yet that was the year that the Washington Free Clinic credits itself as the first such...

  • Missing Arlington man found dead

    Michele Anne Riley never had a chance to say goodbye to her brother, Donald Charles Ebe, who vanished nearly three months ago. On Wednesday, authorities...

  • Back on the Streets

    When D.C.'s new chief of police met with supervisors from the city's various police units to discuss plans for a new community policing effort, Sgt....

  • Calling All Non-profits

    Shortly after joining Whitman-Walker Clinic in July 2006, ReGina Newkirk came to a realization about the annual Capital Pride event: As the new head of...

  • Death Strikes in Transgender Community

    In the week since news surfaced about the Jan. 3 murder of Grafton Lee Person, a 42-year-old transgender woman known in the community as Diamond...

  • Face to Face

    Virginia may have passed one of the nation's most restrictive constitutional amendments banning gay marriage and civil unions last November, but that hasn't slowed down...

  • Singular Sensation

    Couplehood is such a smug thing that when it ends, one of the hardest parts is telling the people you know. My boyfriend Carl and...

  • Capital Pride Invites Input

    Capital Pride organizers from the Whitman-Walker Clinic are asking nearly every GLBT not-for-profit organization in metropolitan Washington to take part in planning this year's week...

  • From D.C., with Love

    Romantic relationships are often fraught with pitfalls and puzzlement -- gay relationships often more so, given social stigmas and bureaucratic obstacles. Sometimes, the added difficulties...

  • Republican Soul Searching

    Being a Republican and a gay-rights advocate is one thing. But being a pro-gay Republican and a devoted Catholic? That might be pushing it. Leave...

  • Transgender Tragedies

    In the past decade in Washington seven people were murdered, or died, as a result of someone else's wrongdoing because they were transgender. And those...

  • Breaking Point

    For the past few years, the world's 70 million Anglicans -- better known in the United States as Episcopalians -- have been grappling with a...

  • Coffee Talk

    Grant P. Thompson is not HIV-positive. But 20 years ago, everyone in the gay community -- positive or negative -- was affected by the burgeoning...