One story from this first week of the 112th Congress bears special mention at Poliglot. Pennsylvania Republican Mike Fitzpatrick defeated Democrat Patrick Murphy in their...
”My mother and I had already had the gay talk, during which she had told me that nothing had changed, that she loved me, asked...
”I lost a friend and I’ve had friends that have attempted suicide. There are people that don’t have a voice to speak out and show...
”I’m not just a Republican, I’m a conservative Republican…. While I was born gay, I wasn’t born to believe government has all the answers…. I...
Chick-fil-A, Inc has offered the following on Facebook as a reply to the increasing controversy over their restaurants’ support of anti-gay groups: ”To our Facebook...
”All in all it’s a trumped up story…. There are a couple restaurants that are giving us food…. We didn’t even get any money. The...
From The Hill today: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Thursday that he would work to help implement the repeal of the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t...
Today, President Barack Obama sent the name of Edward C. DuMont, a District resident, to the Senate for nomination to be a judge on the...
On Jan. 5, Ohio Republican John Boehner was sworn in as the speaker of the House of Representatives. Boehner, who received a 0 percent score...
If there's a lesson I've learned from family conversations over the past couple of years, it's that I should avoid talking politics. I probably should...
Some thoughts at the start of the 112th Congress: 1. Congressional sessions do not end the day after the election. Prior to ratification of the...
As with most modern cities, some neighborhoods are just a little gayer than others. In D.C.'s case, P Street NW offers many such stretches. Take...
Planning has already started for the 36th annual Capital Pride, returning to Washington June 2-12. And on Thursday, Jan. 20, organizers hope to begin solidifying...
In some respects, Habitat for Humanity Montgomery County (HFH-MC) functions like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. But instead of dolling up a gal for a big night...
Every seven seconds a child is bullied. That statistic, coming from the National Association of School Psychologists, is followed by the disturbing finding that 85...