Metro Weekly

Search results for "clinton"

  • Home Team

    The fourth in an occasional series of interviews and stories on the 2006 D.C. mayoral race. Michael A. Brown likes to get around the city....

  • Capital Pride Heroes

    Each year, the Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ''Capital Pride Heroes.'' These eight honorees have made extraordinary efforts to...

  • Log Cabin's Councillor

    In the middle of March, new members were sworn-in for the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Considering the epidemic's disproportionate infection rate in the...

  • Learning Lessons

    Though much will be made of it, the federal Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) is unlikely to be the most important story of the marriage fight...

  • Fighting the Holy War

    Given the poll-driven pieties of so many politicians, it is hard to imagine a public figure quoting Christ's admonition in Matthew Chapter 6 against making...

  • A Sigh of Relief

    How did John Roberts do at his hearing to be the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Before the hearing, I laid out five...

  • Welcome to Provincetown

    It's difficult to describe the charm of Provincetown, the ever-popular gay resort town at the very tip of Cape Cod. Like Key West, it lies...

  • Deep Impact

    When Wanda Alston was fatally stabbed in March by a neighbor in a crack-induced stupor, Washington lost a woman who was arguably the most powerful...

  • Dinner on Deck

    For those in tune with the Washington calendar of fundraisers and galas, it may seem that fall is arriving rather early this year. Fortunately, there's...

  • The Task at Hand

    When the crowds gather next Thursday, April 7 for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's 16th Annual Leadership Awards to honor former presidential candidate...

  • Passion Plate

    Washington may not boast a vast Chinatown or a thriving Little Italy, but there's no denying that with its myriad embassies and international organizations it's...

  • Dickens Nouveau

    Just when you thought you knew Ebenezer Scrooge and his shopworn miserly antics, just when Charles Dickens seemed a safe bet for an evening filled...

  • Next Exit 4 Years: Mapping a New Direction

    Los Angeles and New York may be the country's cultural poles, but Washington sets the tone. The web of executive decisions, bureaucratic regulations, Supreme Court...

  • Pink People Feeling Blue

    It's fair to say that America is polarized. The 2004 election helped quantify the division, with 51 percent on the right, 48 percent on the...

  • Racing Against the Rules

    The District of Columbia thrives on laws, rules and regulations. If you don't think so, try eating french fries on the Metro. The regulations regarding...