Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "constellation theatre company"

  • Spotlight: The Love of the Nightingale at Constellation

    The ever-ambitious and ever-adept Constellation Theatre Company once again dares to stage a large-scale classic tale in the intimate Source Theater space. This time around...

  • Jazzed

    Freda Payne has absolutely no trouble channeling the big voice of Ella Fitzgerald, and it's actually quite remarkable. Payne, who had a pop hit in...

  • Gilgamesh Follies

    Right now, there's a work of art gracing the stage at the Source on 14th Street. And I don't mean Gilgamesh, the fantastical show created...

  • 'Zorro' Strikes Again

    Despite billing as ''the first modern superhero,'' Zorro isn't strictly a superhero in Constellation Theatre Company's Zorro. In fact, in this entertaining stage adaptation of...

  • Show Pieces

    What do you call a farce that's not particularly funny? The real Mackay. Of course, what you want is the real McCoy – something from...

  • Maps and Mythology

    The specter of AIDS haunts Steven Dietz's Lonely Planet – and yet the disease is never mentioned by name. But it is AIDS causing the...

  • Pool Party

    ''Some of the front rows of the audience ,'' says Constellation Theatre Company's managing director A.J. Guban. ''Just a little splash, just a little...

  • Review: Blood Wedding

    Over the past few years Constellation Theatre Company has made its name staging ambitious productions of old plays, and stunning you with a terrific acting...

  • War and Witchcraft

    As Arms and The Man opens, Amy Quiggins flutters across the stage playing Raina Petkoff as if she were Barbie come to life. She's giddy...

  • Flights of Fancy

    The Green Bird features statues that talk, apples that sing and waters that dance. Even more unbelievable, the play humorously explores philosophical notions about love,...

  • Razzle Dazzle

    In On The Razzle, an incompetent tailor creates a too-tight parade uniform for the show's shopkeeper Zangler. ''I suppose it will have to do, at...

  • Women Beware Women at Constellation Theatre

    Kitted out like the slightly mad mix of a children’s theater production of a tale by the Brothers Grimm and a fantasy conjured by Tim...

  • Truth and Consequences

    Trying to draw a conclusion about Constellation Theatre Company is not unlike looking up into the night sky, trying to discern the actual figures of...