Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "kentucky"

  • Pretty Pretty Bang Bang

    So here we were, just an hour since our arrival at my sister's home in oh-so-rural Kentucky. Cavin and I brought our nephew, Andrew, here...

  • Launching Pride

    Back in the younger years of DC's Black Pride celebration, I was coordinating HIV-prevention outreach efforts with one of my black co-workers at Whitman-Walker Clinic....

  • Grizzly Madam

    If there's a lesson I've learned from family conversations over the past couple of years, it's that I should avoid talking politics. I probably should...

  • In Lexington, a Sign of Inclusion

    In Lexington, Ky., Jim Gray -- currently the vice mayor of the city -- defeated incumbent Mayor Jim Newberry in an election that would have...

  • Small Town Boy

    It was later in the evening when Sherry Dee grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out on the then-empty dance floor where some...