Metro Weekly

Barney Frank speaks out on Obama vs. McCain

”If Obama wins and we have a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate, we will see legislation that will remove some of the inequalities we face…. McCain is committed to perpetuating all of the legal inequalities…. The 10 percent [of GLBT voters polled who say they support Republican Sen. John McCain], I think, essentially reflects people who are gay [men] mostly, very few lesbians: I think this is one where you are mostly talking about men whose own lives are such that they personally don’t experience much gay discrimination. And many of them also tend to be upper income. Obviously not all gay people are rich but, as with any group, we have an element who are wealthy and I think they are voting their pocketbook to a great extent because they are not themselves facing discrimination.”

Excerpts from an interview with Representative Barney Frank [D-MA] about the Democratic National Convention that is occuring in Colorado this week. (PGN Blogs)

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