Metro Weekly

OBAMArama Roars Into Town

060922_BarackObama_Xtrawide.jpgHearsay isn’t one to be coy about its political party inclinations — it’s blue through and through, boys and girls, through and through and through. And it couldn’t be more thrilled with the current Democratic ticket. (That hockey motherin’, salmon spearin’, pro-liferin’, gun-lovin’ choice of McCain’s gives Hearsay a genuine case of the Alaskan shivers.) And Hearsay is always thrilled to lend a hand whenever a foot won’t do. So it’s here to remind those of you who are in town this weekend to stop by Town, Sunday, August 31, for OBAMArama, a fundraiser for the Barak Obama “Let’s Put An Intelligent Lifeform Back in the Oval Office” Presidential Campaign. The headlining DJ is one of Hearsay’s personal faves — DJ Escape, and Hearsay hears that movie star Alan “I’m An X-Man!” Cumming will be making an appearance at the event. Doors open at 9 p.m. Cover is $10 before 11 p.m., $20 after 11 p.m. Town is located at 2009 8th Street NW, but you knew that already, didn’t you? All proceeds go to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America and the DNC. And even if you can’t make it in person — let’s say you’re Blue Mooning it in Rehomo — you can still contribute by clicking here.

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