Metro Weekly

Colton Ford Comes to Apex, Ready to Sing

ColtonFord-khakis-72.jpgOn Friday, Oct. 17, Hearsay won't have to travel to get its fetish on — it'll just have to hop up from P Street Beach, wipe its brow and huff it over a block to Apex Nightclub as one-time top porn star Colton "The Singing XXX-Man" Ford will take to the club's stage to sing his songs, from "The Way You Love Me" to new single "Tug of War" to the little-known gem he calls "Every Breath You Take,” which Hearsay calls "I'll Be Watching You" and the Police call "Stop Stalking Him or Else." And no one's begging, "please!" Ford's theater begins at 12:30 a.m. and the cover is $10….

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