Metro Weekly

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Film

Support your local gay filmmaker! Greg “Faster” Price is competing against eight other local film finalists in the Diesel Film Racing competition, a nationwide effort now in its second year that features a $2,500 grand prize plus free filmmaking software, to be awarded in December. The film had to be shorter than four minutes, based on a "surprise" theme, feature the lighting of a candle, and created in 24 hours. Price’s short features Shea “Longer” Van Horn, the cutie patootie behind the crazy-campy drag queen Summer Camp and the regular Crack parties at DC9. Horn is the baker, Alex “Harder” George the butcher and Jonathan “Stronger” Littlefield the candlestick maker. All goes according to the humpy candleman’s plan until Van Horn’s baker goes to blow him. Then…surprise! But Hearsay won’t ruin it for you. See it — and vote — for yourself. But do it quickly! The D.C. winner is to be announced Monday.

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