Metro Weekly

What’s the secret about Secrets?

The anticipation is building, and the rumors are running rampant. Clearly, Hearsay’s not the only one ready to explode at the prospect of naked men dancing. When will boy2a.jpgSecrets reopen? Where? Will it be better than before? Soon, very soon, all will be revealed. And Hearsay does mean all — three years is too long to go without full-frontal! But trust Hearsay, everyone will be thrilled! In fact, check the magazine tomorrow for an exclusive sneak peek inside the new venue, with a story by intrepid Nightlife reporter Doug “Slide” Rule featuring photography by Todd “AeroGrow” Franson. Readers will even learn all about Ziegfeld’s, and the return of Ella “My Legs Don’t Work Like They Used to, But I Still Got My Wig!” Fitzgerald. Trust Hearsay, you won’t believe your eyes…

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