Metro Weekly

What will Congress’ reaction be to DC’s move toward gay marriage?

”Let’s be clear, this is a new era… Everyone would agree we have a tricky relationship with Congress, even when our allies are in power. But progress is made by moving forward, not standing still.”

D.C. Councilman David Catania who worked for the successful passage of legislation to enable the city of Washington to accept same-sex marriages that are performed in other states. However, the U.S. Congress still has Constitutionally-granted ability to control all legislation regarding the District’s internal legal decisions. The 600,000 residents of the District also continue to have no voting representation in Congress, so the reaction of House Members and Senators remains unpredictable. It’s reported that Catania, who is gay, plans to introduce legislation that will allow the District’s same-sex couples to enter into marriage legally at home. (Associated Press)

”The district is equivalent to a small state, and the only difference is Congress’ ability to interfere with local decisions. We would treat it as any other state and move to defend the decision of the legislature or the courts.”

David Smith, vice president of the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign. (Associated Press)

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