Metro Weekly

Marie Osmond: I love and support my lesbian daughter

”That’s not a sensitive topic. I love my daughter…. [Growing up,] everybody quoted me and told me what to say, and ‘You gotta do this, you gotta do that. I’m not doing that with my daughter. My daughter is 21, she can talk and speak her own mind, and express herself…. I think each of us has a right to choose who makes that medical decision for us. I think everyone has the right to share homes and finances with somebody that they care about. When it comes to marriage, I think that civil rights need to be for all…. My daughter understands my beliefs.”

Marie Osmond, former teen singer and contestant on ”Dancing with the Stars,” and arguably the most famous Mormon celebrity in the world, discussing on air the coming out of her oldest daughter, Jessica, as a lesbian in the Globe tabloid newspaper. She did not say she supported same-sex marriage but did say she supported gay couples having civil rights to make important decisions. (Perez Hilton)

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