Metro Weekly

NPR cut gay politicians’ names from review of ‘Outrage’ movie

”I asked that my name be removed in protest of NPR’s policy of not ‘naming names’ of closeted or rumored-about politicians – even those who actively suppress gay rights, and thus whose sexual identities are of significant importance to the press.”

Nathan Lee, a self-described ”journalist and an out gay man,” who had his review of the movie ”Outrage” censored to fall in line with the editorial policies of National Public Radio. The above comment was reportedly left by Lee on the NPR web page that featured his altered review, but the comment was removed. ”Outrage” deals with closeted politicians who attack the gay community while on the Hill, but then seek out same-sex partners. The controversy around the movie is basically in the eye of the beholder — it’s either considered ”outing” or ”hypocrisy.” (IndieWire) (NPR review)

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