Metro Weekly

Unspeakable horror: Islamic extremists using chat rooms to target gays for torture & murder

”It is the easiest way to find those people who are destroying Islam and who want to dirty the reputation we took centuries to build up…. We make sure they know why they are being held and give them the chance to ask God’s forgiveness before they are killed.”

Abu Hamizi, 22, boasting to The Guardian UK how he uses his computer science degree to track down gay men for unimaginable types of torture and execution in Iraq. The article includes a horribly graphic photo of two gay men lying in the street, shot dead in the head. The story says some 130 gay men have been murdered in Iraq this year. (

”He didn’t follow what Islamic doctrine tells but he was a good son. Three days after his kidnapping, I found a note on my door with blood spread over it and a message saying it was my son’s purified blood and telling me where to find his body. We found his body with signs of torture, his anus filled with glue and without his genitals.”

Azhar al-Saeed, mother of a gay son who was murdered in Iraq. According to the article police say these killings are related to sectarian violence, not specifically targeted at gays, and that all Iraqis are under their protection. (

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