Metro Weekly

Latest ”South Park” episode overflowing with gay slur; GLAAD unnerved

”We’re not referring to gay people. You can be gay and not be a fag.”
Kyle trying to explain why he and his friends are using the f-word as insult to a group of loud bikers.

”We must acknowledge that the words ‘fag’ and ‘faggot’ are never going to disappear. They’re simply too much fun for everyone to say. But we must realize that we are no longer the most hated people on the planet, and help the children change the meaning of the word.”
Big Gay Al speaking to his ”fellow homosexuals” regarding the usage the f-word by the town’s children.

Quotes from the latest episode of ”South Park,” a long-running, animated cartoon that regularly pushes the boundaries of acceptability using vulgarity to spoof various social issues. The show offends with intention, frequently dropping curse words and insults including the words ”fag” and ”faggot,” but the show has also included gay and transgender characters and plot lines for years in entertaining and unheard of ways. The shows creators often take aim at the adversaries of the LGBT community, too. In this episode, the main characters decide to redefine the word to describe a group of obnoxiously loud, Harley-riding bikers. The New York Times says Comedy Central plans to address GLAAD‘s concerns in repsonse to a complaint that the media watchdog group has filed. (Comedy Central)

”Though the writers of South Park attempted to craft a commentary on the shifting meaning of words, the fact of the matter is that the F-word is and remains a hateful slur that is often the last word heard by LGBT people as they fall victim to hate crimes…. South Park was right on one point: all too commonly, more and more people are using the F-word as a seemingly benign insult, unaware or unconcerned about the word’s anti-gay meaning…. GLAAD encourages you to contact Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, as well as Comedy Central, to share your personal stories of the negative impact the F-word and other anti-gay slurs have had on your life.”

Statement from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation about the animated comedy series, ”South Park,” somewhat stunning episode where the town’s residents try to change the definition and usage of the word ”fag.” (GLAAD)

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