Metro Weekly

Kathy Griffin does DC: Will headline HRC rally to repeal military’s ban on gay soldiers: Thurs., 12noon, Freedom Plaza

”DC! it’s ON! Rally against “don’t ask, don’t tell” Thurs march 18. Noon @ Freedom Plaza. I need u. I’m hearing anti gay groups r coming.”

Latest tweets from Kathy Griffin. She says she also met with the Servicemembers Legal Defense Group, which is also holding it’s annual Dinner & Lobby Day this Saturday, March 20. (OfficialKathyG)

“Calling all DC gays and ALL good citizens who support EQUALITY!!! After traveling to Irag and Afghanistan to perform for the troops and visiting with injured vets and their families at Walter Reed, I’ve gotten to meet and know many gay members of our brave military. Their stories are heartbreaking, touching, and need to be heard. They cannot stand up for themselves, so it’s time we stand up for them and be their voice. They put their lives on the line for us every day, all the while risking getting fired, discharged, losing all their benefits and maybe even worse, just for being ‘found out’. It’s time to take on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’!!! Please join me this Thursday, March 18 at 12 noon at Freedom Plaza in DC.”

Taken from a post on the website of comedian Kathy Griffin. She’s planning on bringing her more serious side to Washington this week, to do her part in the building effort to repeal the military’s ban on gay and lesbian soldiers. She will be appearing as part of a larger rally to be held by the Human Rights Campaign. ( (HRC)

”I was nervous the whole time because it’s not my world, obviously…. Also, I have a problem with the potty mouth, so I didn’t know how far I could go when joking with these legislators — and I learned not far at all. Almost every one of my jokes was taken as a serious statement, even when I asked the majority whip to whip me.”

Kathy Griffin, in town this week, and telling the Washington Post that she wasn’t prepared for the reserved atmosphere of Washington’s political circles. The gay-loving entertainer says she went to Capitol Hill Tuesday and spoke with Representatives James Clyburn and Barney Frank, but then relays her regret for not dressing more like a lobbyist and less like a friendly celebrity. She’s also filming for her reality TV show, and the Post says the crew is surprised that people here are not interested in wearing microphones. (Washington Post)

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