Metro Weekly

Anti-gay Rekers resigns from “ex-gay” organization, NARTH, amid scandalous reports [video]

”I am immediately resigning my membership in NARTH to allow myself the time necessary to fight the false media reports that have been made against me. With the assistance of a defamation attorney, I will fight these false reports because I have not engaged in any homosexual behavior whatsoever. I am not gay and never have been.”

George Rekers, an alleged doctor who was reportedly paid tens of thousands of dollars by both Florida and Arkansas to testify as an “expert witness” against the rights of gay families to adopt children. He is saying in this statement that he is resigning from the National Association for Research & Therapy on Homosexuality, a rather ridiculous yet insidious organization with a stated goal of upholding uphold “the rights of individuals with unwanted homosexual attraction to receive psychological care.” Rekers was photographed at a Florida airport with a young man who was advertising on a gay male escort site called (NARTH)

”If I knew what I knew today, would I recommend him again, of course not…. Would I ever recommend to anybody else, no. But he was the best available at the time.”

Bill McCollum, the “leading Republican candidate” for Governor in Florida. The Miami Herald-Tribune is reporting that McCollum recommended George Rekers as a qualified expert to testify in court against the rights of gay and lesbian families to adopt children. It has been revealed that Rekers was allegedly paid a sum totaling about $120,000 from the state’s coffers for his testimony. Both Rekers and the gay escort he hired hail from Florida. The current governor of that state, Charlie Crist, has changed his political affiliation to that of an independent since it has become apparent that, until this scandal broke, McCollum had taken much of the support from the formerly Republican Crist. (Herald-Tribune)

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