Metro Weekly

Former First Lady, Laura Bush, continues to (almost) support gay marriage (maybe, sorta, I think)

”I understand totally what George thinks, and what other people think about marriage being between a man and a woman. And it a real, you know, reversal of that to accept gay marriage … but I think we could.”

Laura Bush, wife of former President George Bush, continuing to push her new autobiography. Here Mrs. Bush speaks with Larry King of CNN. In an excerpt from the book, she claims to have reminded her husband in 2004 that they had gay friends who would be affected by his participation in a Republican-led campaign against gay marriage. In February of 2004, George Bush went completely against all reasonable political judgment by making a speech that called for a Constitutional Amendment defining “marriage” as being one man and one woman only. Later that year, the couple’s twin daughters raised eyebrows when reports surfaced that they would likely attend the wedding ceremony of a local gay couple. (CNN / Larry King)

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