Metro Weekly

Actor Tom Hardy: Youthful experiments included gay male relationships

Tom Hardy as seen in the film "Inception"

”As a boy? Of course I have. I’m an actor for ****’s sake. I’ve played with everything and everyone. I love the form and the physicality, but now that I’m in my thirties, it doesn’t do it for me. I’m done experimenting but there’s plenty of stuff in a relationship with another man, especially gay men, that I need in my life.”

Tom Hardy, a UK actor now appearing on screen in the Hollywood hit “Inception.” A Daily Mail report says they asked Hardy, a 32-year-old father, if he’d ever had sexual relations with other men. The gravely-voiced hunk has also been seen in “Star Trek: Nemesis,” “Bronson” and “Wuthering Heights,” and is said to have played a gay character in Guy Ritchie’s “RocknRolla.” (Daily Mail)

”He was discussing a gay role and quotes coming from the character.”

An unnamed source said to be close to actor Tom Hardy as quoted by E! Online. The source is saying that Hardy’s quote to the Daily Mail about experimenting with men was taken out of context. E! seems dismissive of that claim, though. (E! Online)

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