Metro Weekly

NBC TODAY show excludes gay, lesbian couples from ”Modern Wedding” contest says GLAAD

”For the TODAY show wedding, the couple must be able to be legally married in New York, which is where the wedding will take place.”

A message that the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation says it received from NBC. GLAAD was inquiring as to why the contest form for the TODAY show’s “Modern Wedding” contest only has entry fields for “Bride” and “Groom.” Nothing in the contest’s posted rules, however, say that the couple must be male-female. And GLAAD is making the argument that same-sex couples can get a legal marriage license in several states, and then have the wedding celebration in the state of New York. GLAAD says New York recognizes the legal status of lesbian and gay couples who were married in other regions. Perhaps NBC should take a look at the popularity of several gay couples in Crate and Barrel‘s recent ”$100,000 Ultimate Wedding” competition, where two men from DC came in 2nd Place. (GLAAD) (TODAY via Facebook)

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