Metro Weekly

Teen boy was secretly 31-year-old woman; Arrested for sex with teen girl [video]

”It’s very, very disturbing. She had me fooled. I thought I was dealing with a 14-year-old boy.”

Melissa Neumann, friend of an unnamed Ohio 16-year-old girl who had runaway to be with her 14-year-old boyfriend, “Matt Abrams.” But she returned home after discovering that “Abrams” was actually a 31-year-old woman named Patricia Dye, who had successfully been pretending to be a much younger male. Police report that there was some type of “sexual relationship.” (Dayton Daily News)

”I told her all along not to get close to that 16-year-old girl…. She used to say that when she was going to school, that she was a boy.”

Dorothy Dye, the elderly mother of Patricia Dye, 31, an Ohio woman who was arrested for pretending to be a 14-year-old boy. She had begun dating and engaging in a sexual contact with a 16-year-old girl. The girl had runaway to stay with Dye, and she was apparently unaware that Dye was secretly a FTM transgender. Local police and the Warren County Prosecutor all say that Patricia Dye’s appearance was entirely convincing. (WLWT)

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