Metro Weekly

AP poll shows increased support for gay marriage, benefits for same-sex couples

NCC10. Should couples of the same sex be entitled to the same government benefits as married couples of the opposite sex, or should the government distinguish between them?

Yes, should be entitled to the same benefits: 58% (up 7% from 2008)
No, should distinguish between them: 38% (down 5% from 2008)

NCC12. Should the Federal Government give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex, or not?

Yes: 52% (up 8% from 2009)
No: 46% (down 7% from 2009)

Results from a newly released AP-National Constitution Center Poll conducted in August 2010 of 1,007 adults. The results show that respondents, for the first time, have favored legal marriage for lesbian and gay couples. (Associated Press)

Several polls that were released in August showed solid increases in support over the last several years. CNN also revealed that 52% of respondents said gay and lesbian couples “should” have the right to get legally married. And even Fox News, the primary source of information for many American conservatives, showed that people are overwhelmingly in favor of legal recognition for lesbian and gay couples: 37% in favor of full marriage, and only 28% opposed to any legal rights. 

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