Metro Weekly

Now Playing: You Again

You Again

Finally, something that makes the trauma, humiliation, and embarrassment of high school seem lesser by comparison. Directed by Andy Fickman, You Again is a clichéd collection of old grudges that fails to produce any new laughs. Returning home for her brother’s wedding, Marni (Kristen Bell) is horrified to learn that the bride-to-be is her high school tormentor Joanna (Odette Yustman). As if this weren’t enough to produce hijinks, the mother of the groom (Jamie Lee Curtis) and the aunt of the bride (Sigourney Weaver) were also teenage rivals. Novice screenwriter Moe Jelline’s script is bloated with scenes and situations that don’t make the grade. And Fickman’s direction can’t make the average punch lines into a passable final product. A cameo by Kristin Chenoweth seems almost refreshing compared to the near exploitative grandmother role played by Betty White. Poor White is carted out for a couple inane lines and then wheeled away again. It’s only the younger brother, played by Billy Unger, who really gets a laugh — especially when he asks for the number of a suicide prevention hotline. Please share. ONE STAR. In theaters today. Visit

Reviewed by Tim Plant

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