Metro Weekly

AFI celebrates Hitchcock’s Psycho


For one week only, the American Film Institute’s Silver Theatre screens a new 35mm print of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho in honor of its 50th anniversary. Starring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh, the movie has lost none of its power to shock. Hitchcock set out to make a film like none of his others — and Psycho, made for a paltry budget using the crew of Hitchcock’s popular TV show of the time, lacks the glamour and glitter of big-ticket items like North By Northwest. Yet Psycho wound up being one of his biggest hits — and, to a certain extent, hobbled the director’s later works. As a legacy piece, Psycho helped spawn a legion of horror imitators for decades to come. What those imitators lack are Perkins and Leigh, who give performances of tremendous artistry and, yes, grace. And then there’s that shower scene, set to the shrieking strings of masterful composer Bernard Herrmann. At least one showing every day starting today, Friday, Nov. 26, at 9:30 p.m, through Thursday, Dec. 2. AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring. Tickets are $10 general admission. Call 301-495-6720 or visit (Randy Shulman)

Here’s the original 6-minute trailer, almost as famous as the movie itself.

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