Metro Weekly

Transgender lover of Kelly Osbourne’s ex-boyfriend tells all

”From the moment I met [Luke Worrall], he was telling me he loved me and he wanted us to get ­married,. But now I ­realise it was all lies. At the same time as he was professing his love to me, he was doing the same to Kelly…. He told me that it turned him on knowing I was once a boy. Luke is very different to most guys ­sexually. It was a relief to find someone who accepted me as I am….  It was only when I took my clothes off he saw I had a penis. He wasn’t fazed by it – he was very ­complimentary. He was drunk.”

Elle ­Schneider, 21, a transgender woman who was having an affair with Luke Worrall, the ex-fiancee of a singer Kelly Osbourne. Worrall was allegedly seeing a number of people while he was engaged to Osbourne. (

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