Metro Weekly

AP looks at corporations that cover surgery for transgender employees

”We understand people simply get appendicitis, and it is something our community deals with through insurance…. That’s what we need to understand about transsexualism. Not everybody will be diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, and in fact, few people will be. But the people who are diagnosed with it really need treatment.”

Andre Wilson, of the San Francisco-based Jamison Green & Associates, speaking with AP for an article about businesses that will cover sex reassignment surgery. The news agency refers to HRC reports that show some 85 large companies and law firms cover at least one surgery. Coporations named include Coke, AmEx, Kraft, AT&T and others. One transgender woman, Gina Duncan, says that her company Wells Fargo included breast and genital surgeries in the company health plan. The article alludes to the high cost of gender reassignment surgery can being balanced out by the relatively small number of employees who would request it. (Associated Press)

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