Metro Weekly

Christian conservatives: Avoid word ‘gay’ and use ‘sodomy’ to ‘control public opinion’

”Stop using the word ‘gay.’ Because, if we give them this term that is grounded in an identity we’re giving – we’re conceding that to the premise that it is an identity and the rest of the debate we’re on their ground — we’re on their terms. He who defines the terms controls the debate, and by extension, public opinion. What we need to do is state that this is same-sex attraction, or maybe the engage in same-sex intercourse, or sodomy — whatever word you’re comfortable using. ” 

Anti-gay and far-right activist Ryan Sorba of California Young Republicans speaking at “The Awakening,” a conference held at Lynchburg, Va.’s Liberty University. In the video posted by The American Independent, Sorba speaks to an audience of about 40 who, the Independent reports, were in agreement with his ideas.  (American Independent)

Sorba gained some notoriety at the 2010 CPAC convention in D.C. when he attacked the conference organizers during his speech for allowing the participation of the gay conservative group GOProud — that audience booed him from the stage. (Metro Weekly)

TPMMuckraker claims that Sorba has had some odd personal issues in the past. And the California Young Republicans appear to be having bizarre leadership issues, too — splitting because of an attempted ”hostile takeover.”

Sorba caught the public’s attention last year when he criticized the inclusion of a gay Republican group at the 2010 CPAC meeting in DC. He was roundly booed off of the stage.

In 2008 he went on a tour allegedly to promote a book called the ”’Born Gay Hoax.” His speech at Smith College was protested loudly with unyielding catcalls by dozens of lesbians and gay-supportive students.

Here Sorba ”explains” his convoluted beliefs that gay people are not following “natural law.” He tries to connect a number of historic Western thinkers and a grab bag of philosophical terms to his obsessive thoughts about the purpose of sex organs:

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