Metro Weekly

The Man Who Fell to Earth 35th Anniversary Print restores missing 20 minutes

The Man Who Fell to EarthNicolas Roeg’s dazzling, visionary sci-fi allegory, The Man Who Fell to Earth stars, David Bowie in his cinematic debut. The pop icon played a space oddity who gets caught up in American decadence. The film is being rereleased into theaters for its 35th anniversary. As a director, Roeg was more interested in atmospherics and visuals (one of his best films, Don’t Look Now, creates a disturbing amount of terror using little more than a girl in a red raincoat), and Man Who Fell to Earth is far from an exception. A ’70s vibe permeates the film — there’s lots of sex, verging on explicit (a Roeg trademark). The cast includes Rip Torn, Buck Henry and Candy Clark. The anniversary print restores 20 minutes cut by the distributor in the film’s original release. Opens Friday, July 15. Landmark’s E Street Cinema, 555 11th St. NW. Call 202-452-7672 or visit

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