Metro Weekly

Oscar-winner Mo’Nique supports legalization of gay marriage in Maryland [video]

Actress, comedian and talk show host Mo’Nique, a native of Baltimore County, Md., appeared in a new video this week to support gay marriage. The video was a promotes the efforts of a coalition called Marylanders for Marriage Equality. The group includes well-known gay organizations like HRC, PFLAG and Equality Maryland along with other civil rights groups including NAACP Baltimore, SEIU and ACLU Maryland. 

Elbridge James of Progressive Maryland, another member of the coalition, is quoted on the site as saying: 

“We are so grateful Baltimore native Mo’Nique is speaking out on behalf of all Maryland families…. People from all walks of life, including gay and lesbian couples, want their children to live in a loving, stable, committed home and be protected under the law.”

Others who recorded videos for the campaign include Governor Martin O’Malley and Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo. A transcript of Monique’s video reads:

“Hey y’all it’s your girl Monique and I’d like to share some things with you.
They say you can take the lady out of Baltimore, but you can’t take the Baltimore out of the lady.
Well that statement rings true for me, because I care about my home state.
I believe since we’ve all been given free will, let’s use our will to let others be free.
Gay and lesbian couples believe in commitment, family and love.
If you don’t believe me, did you happen to notice that all that’s being asked for is the right to be married, which ironically promotes commitment, family and love.
Join me and support marriage equality. It’s the right thing to do.”


Mo’Nique previously appeared at the 2010 HRC National Dinner, a fundraising event for the largest gay rights organization in the country:

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