Metro Weekly

The Habit of Art – Extended (and now with video!)

Habit of art

Alan Bennett’s play-within-a-play, The Habit of Art, follows an imagined meeting between openly gay poet W. H. Auden and closeted composer Benjamin Britten a year before Auden’s death. The two wrestle with their desires, their jealousies, the ephemeral connection between creativity and inspiration, and the many reasons their friendship fell apart in this wistful and filthily funny play by the writer of The History Boys. David Muse directs a cast that includes Ted van Griethuysen, Margaret Daly Kay, Randy Harrison, Matt Dewberry and Will Cooke. Extended through Oct. 23. Studio Theatre, 1501 14th St. NW. Call 202-332-3300 or visit

Read Jonathan Padget’s review here.

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