Metro Weekly

The Bar d’O reunion at L’Enfant Cafe’s Speak Easy

Joey Aras and friends

Joey Arias is kicking off a new season of his popular, select Sundays social dining and cabaret shows at L’Enfant Cafe with as big of a bang as they come, enlisting fellow singing New York drag stars Sherry Vine and Raven O to relive the fun they had as their careers launched, at the now-defunct West Village spot Bar d’O. This is a one-night-only affair at L’Enfant. And if it’s not already sold out by the time you read this, hurry! L’Enfant serves a three-course meal with the first show, and most late shows end in a DJ dance party. This Sunday, Sept. 16. L’Enfant Cafe and Bar, 2000 18th St. NW. Reservations are required; cost is $50 for the 7 p.m. dinner show, or no cover but a two-drink minimum for the 10:30 p.m. late show. Call 202-319-1800 or visit

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